Something went wrong? Don’t Panic

dont panic (1 of 1)Just today I saw an optimistic emblem during the embroidery at the machine. Remember, is there is something wrong do not panic 🙂

Those patches are Cordura black background with simple sentence “Don’t Panic”. Characters are embroidered with red and yellow yarn. The border has a rare density as per customer requirements because patches will be sewn on the trousers with a fancy stitch.

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    Your Name (required):

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    Patch size, maximum width and height (ex. 5″ x 7″ or 10cm x 15cm):

    Quantity required (ex. 1,5,30,50,100,5000):

    Type of border:

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    Submit Image (up to 3 files)

    up to 3 files, max 5MB each
    File types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, png, gif, bmp, eps, svg, cdr, ai, wmf, emf, doc, docx